Wells Nursing Home
is a Medicare/Medicaid certified skilled nursing facility licensed by the New York State Department of Health.
Nursing Home admits those in need of 24 hour nursing care. We provide our services without discrimination on the basis
of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual preference,handicap/physical disability, marital status, responsible party
or source of payment.
All potential residents must go through
a screening process to assess if they are nursing home appropriate and if the facility is able to meet all of the resident's
needs on admission. Potential residents can be admitted from home or any community facility as long as they qualify.
All potential nursing home residents must be screened by
a nursing service prior to admission. This is called the PRI process. This screening will determine if the individual is nursing
home appropriate or they may be able to remain in the community, in a lesser level of care. Once an individual is screened, the documents will be sent to Wells Nursing Home for review.
If the person is appropriate for nursing home placement a bed offer may be given to the family or to the facility where the
individual is, at the time of the assessment.
The family is under no obligation to accept
the bed offer, but if they are in agreement then they must contact Wells Nursing Home Admission Department to complete an
application prior to placement of the resident. Wells Nursing Home accepts Medicare, Medicaid and private
pay sources of payment that may include private insurance or long-term care insurance.